What is RSS?
"RSS" is about getting live web feeds directly to your computer. RSS takes the latest headlines from different websites and pushes those headlines down to your computer for quick scanning.
The acronym RSS stands for many versions of the same thing.
- Really Simple Syndication
- Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
- RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)
- Real-time Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
In each of the above meanings, the purpose is the same: to have web sites of your choice deliver their latest news directly to your monitor.
So instead of having to visit 14 different places to get your weather, sports, favorite photos, latest gossip, or latest political debates, you just go to one screen and see it combined ("aggregated") into a single window. The RSS headlines and stories are effectively immediate. Once published at the source server, RSS headlines take only moments to get to your screen.
How can you get benefit from RSS?
To get started, you choose an RSS reader tool for yourself.
This program displays the information provided by RSS from the sites you choose. So, once you have chosen News Reader, you need to specify which sites and pages you want to receive from RSS.
RSS feeds on the BNA website are as follows: